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SingTel to employ Cisco MPLS-TP packet technologies to offer data bandwidths of up to 10 gigabits

November 27, 2012

SingTel will use the Cisco MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) carrier packet transport technologies to offer data bandwidths of up to 10 gigabits per second to consumers.

The company will implement MPLS-TP technology for its ConnectPlus E-Line service. By implementing MPLS-TP technology, SingTel has become the first service provider in the Asia-Pacific region to globally deploy MPLS-TP technology.

The company will use the platform to deliver dedicated point-to-multipoint and electronic bandwidth-on-demand for ConnectPlus E-Line services.

Using Cisco carrier packet transport solution, SingTel will be able to deploy data-intensive applications such as video conferencing, multimedia, data analysis and business continuity planning.



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