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The new government has the opportunity to bring in changes in telecom sector: PwC

May 19, 2014

According to consultancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), the new government to be formed at centre has the opportunity to provide fresh momentum to the telecom industry.

PwC has stated that the government could look at initiating significant changes in three broad areas. With the mobile connectivity in rural areas being below 50 per cent, the government should take a fresh look at encouraging the industry to put more money into rural network expansion and use unututilised funds lying with Universal Service Obligation Fund (USoF) for the same.

Secondly, clarifications regarding the merger and acquisition norms will facilitate more deals and lead to higher investments in the telecom sector. PwC underlines that it is time for the new government to promote currency stability and treat all foreign investors fairly.

Further, the consultancy firm suggests that India needs a new science and education policy which will encourage innovation in the telecom space and Information Technology.

PwC concludes that the Indian service providers lead in analytics and pricing, however, they lack the ingenuity when it comes to offering innovative services in a country which is need of a better communication system.



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