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Reliance Globalcom appoints William Barney as CEO

January 20, 2014

Reliance Globalcom has appointed William Barney as the chief executive officer (CEO) of its three offshore businesses, comprising FLAG, Yipes and Vanco.

Barney has more than 15 years of industry experience in Asia. In the past, he has worked with companies such as Pacnet and MCI Worldcom (Verizon). During his 10-year tenure as CEO of Pacnet, Barney led the company’s acquisition of regional internet service provider, Pacific Internet, which operationally merged with Asia Netcom and re-launched the company as Pacnet in January 2008. Prior to Pacnet, Barney served as Asia pacific president and CEO for MCI Worldcom (Verizon) where he led the company through a three-digit growth phase.





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